Cleansing the body of parasites: to get rid of the uninvited guests

The number of the parasites that surround the human being, can be compared to viruses and bacteria. They enter the body through the mouth, skin, respiratory system. Each year, the discover the approximately one million cases of helminthiasis. The most common in children, due to the nature of health behaviour and the lack of security features. Cleaning them is not a big problem. We will discuss the most effective ways.

parasites in the body

How do you identify?

The goal of the diagnosis of parasitic diseases is difficult because of the deficiencies of the laboratory method. The analysis of the mud on the eggs, they have to often be a negative, but it does not confirm the absence of infection. Therefore, it is important to know the signs by which you may suspect yourself of parasites:

  1. Symptoms — weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue. Caused by the intoxication by the waste products of the worms.
  2. Loss of appetite and loss of weight. Sometimes, on the contrary, experiencing continuous hunger.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system: nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea, alternating constipation, slight abdominal pain. These symptoms are not long lasting. Often, a person "retires" them to the errors in the diet, and don't go to the doctor.
  4. Reduced immunity, which is reflected in the common colds and acute exacerbations of chronic persistent infections. Frequent cold sores on the lips, which is a clear sign of the decrease of the resistance of the organism.
  5. Allergic reactions: rashes on the type of urticaria, dry cough at night, rhinitis, and so forth. The body of the parasites, are the foreign bodies, so that the body's immune system to react to the rejection. The produced antibody may be "confused" molecules of helminth proteins from the diet. Then it is an allergic reaction.
  6. Disorders of the nervous system. The general intoxication is not lost in the nerve cells. The person becomes irritable, nervous, bad sleep.
  7. Hypovitaminosis: a bundle of nails, brittle hair, and dry skin. You have to "steal" a man feeding off of his nutrients.

All of these symptoms are not specific. Accompanied by a number of diseases, helminth infections are often overlooked.

In recent years, the expansion of the precautionary approach to the problem. Preventive treatment is recommended for all patients in the risk groups, children, workers, people who have Pets, or contact with them at work.

Where to start cleaning?

Check out the walk around, so it doesn't happen in a single day. Often, a person can find several types of. Infringe the work of any of the organs, especially the liver, and the kidneys. The mass destruction of the foreign agent, it can lead to severe poisoning, and triggers a mechanism of autoimmune reactions. This is causing a serious injury, and the results are in intensive care. Therefore, it is important for the right approach to cleaning.

Prior to the destruction of the worms, you need to create the conditions for growth and activity. For the week, stick to a diet:

  • the products themselves are harmful to the parasites: pineapple, pomegranate, garlic, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, fruits, greens, dairy products;
  • reject any foods that will "feed" the uninvited guests: meat, fish, milk, candy, bread, baking;
  • eat plenty of water.
  • the vegetables and fruits eaten raw;
  • eat small portions more often (smaller meals).

There are two General approaches to eliminating the parasites — the medical and the ministry of education. So let's look at the features of each one.

pills with parasites


The main problems of treatment of drug dependence in the diversity of species of parasites, and toxicity of most drugs.

The treatment is divided into three phases:

  1. Preparation — detoxification, elimination of deficiencies of the vitamins and digestive enzymes.
  2. How to get rid of worms and parasites special treatment.
  3. Recovery — the second phase of detoxification to remove their products of decay, and life, to restore the metabolism.

Important! The medicine can not be used without first consulting with your doctor first.

Favorite recipes

The Method Of Hilda Clark

The cleaning programme is adequate for the salvation of not only the worms but also other parasites, bacteria, viruses. Use the green shell of walnuts, dried wormwood, and clove powder.

Recipe of the tincture of the nut:

  • the clean 15 are green, the walnuts;
  • fill the shells with the alcohol or vodka (0.5 liters);
  • leave for a month in a dark place.

Take a program (PCP), the first day of the drop, dissolve in 100 ml of water and slowly drink it, then add, drop by drop, as from the sixth day the dose is 2 tsp. for a tincture. Taken on the day of the flight.

Artemisia grind into a powder, and the drink is on the rise ahead of the dinner, one to two days to half a teaspoon, then two days on a spoon, and then 1.5 tsp So as not to increase the dose every two days, up to 3.5 tsp (up to the end of the second week). Then, in a year in a half teaspoon in the evening.

Powder of cloves in the morning before Breakfast (1 of the dose corresponding to the volume of a pea), one of the day — 1 dose, second day — 2 doses, with a third day for 3 doses. From the tenth day of carnation drinks, for the determination of three times a week for several years (3 doses).

A Russian triptych, No. 1

The method proposed by the Professor, Ivanchenko A. I., especially in our latitudes, where the coconuts are grown only in the South. It is also the cleaning of the wormwood, and cloves, with the addition of tansy.

A prescription. Action: the tansy — 100 g, wormwood — 30 grams cloves — 50 g of all the components of a prior change in the dust). The mixture is stirred.

Dosage. 1, the dose is 1.75 g + (you will need a doctor's scale). For comfort and convenience, weighing in for the first dose, and the measurement of an estimated quantity (a teaspoon without slides).

How to receive it. The first day, drink 1 dose of the mixture in the morning, half an hour before meals. On the second day to add to the reception prior to the dinner. From the third to the seventh day 3 times per day (before meals). Later in the year, and the means to take 1 dose once a week (for prevention).

A Russian triptych, No. 2

Clean the herbs, by the same method as in the previous recipe. The tool is prepared by mixing the ground seeds of caraway (1 part), ground rhizome of the (1. part thereof), and ground calendula petals (2-part). Store in a glass jar in the dark.

Cleanse pure wormwood

The grass is sold in any pharmacy. Regimen: a teaspoon 30 minutes before Breakfast and dinner for 1 month. Then, in order to prevent, once a week. The "fight" with a bitter taste of wormwood, the powder poured inside the bread in a ball and swallow it whole.

garlic against parasites


The medicinal properties of garlic have been known to people long before the invention of antibiotics. With him, as genghis khan was to fight the viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Today, there are 3 recipe to clean your body of parasites using garlic:

  1. The speed

Do you need a Cup of peeled garlic that you want to eat at one time. The night before the dinner, and at the latest within 18 hours. At 10 PM, eat a pickle or some sauerkraut, and then a full dose of garlic cut into slices. It is not necessary to chew. Served with a pickle, or tomato juice. The next day, before lunch, and only eat pickles and drink pickle juice. The substances in the intestines, which is fatal to all parasites.

  1. Slowly

Day-by-day use of garlic, start with small, gradually increasing it. Also to swallow a piece of garlic whole, drink pickle juice, fresh prunes, Apples, tomato juice. The first effects were seen after one week.

  1. Enema

A lot of people find it hard to eat large amounts of garlic at the same time. Then, you can opt for an enema. The preparation of the solution: crush 2 of the cloves in an enamel pot, pour the milk (0.5 l), add 2 tbsp. of tansy and boil for 10 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered through cheesecloth. A single process may take up to 2 cups. Repeat daily for 1 week.

Such methods are contraindicated in certain diseases of the stomach and the intestines. During the procedure, you may experience an unpleasant odor from the skin, which will disappear with the passage of time.

The barrel

For a long time been known that an alkaline environment, which is unsuitable for life of most parasites. Enough of the introduction of soda solution enema (for the most part they live in the large intestine). Only some of the lesions (eg, giardiasis), you will need to get to the small intestine through the ingestion of baking soda into the bottle.

The treatment is carried out in three stages:

  1. Bowel cleansing with the salt water enema Esmarch mug). The amount of injected water shall not be less than one litre (two is better), add 1-2 tablespoons of salt. The temperature of the room (22-24 °C). The contents of the bowel to be slow, so that the process is still painless.
  2. Enema with baking soda. In boiling water (800 ml) is added to a tablespoon of baking soda and heated to a temperature of 37-40 °C. is introduced into the intestine, the use of a mug Esmarch, however, to retain the water longer (around half an hour).
  3. To repeat the usual cleansing enemas with salt water.

These procedures are to be carried out within a period of 8-10 days, every day, or during breaks). The first enema may be accompanied by minor aches and pains.

To clean the barrel

There is a more holistic approach to clear the body of parasites of the barrel. It is proposed to create an alkaline environment, it is not only in the intestine but also in the blood. And then he died as an adult, and the larvae are feeding in the blood.

The technique:

  • Cleansing the bowel is performed according to the same scheme: enema with saline, soda water enema second enema.
  • On the first day: dissolve 0.2 of a teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of cooled boiled water and drink three times a day before meals.
  • The second-fourth day: increase dose by 0.1 of a tsp on a daily basis. The reception frequency is stored in the phone.
  • Then maintain the dose of half a teaspoon 3 times a day, until on the seventh day.

In addition to the alkalinity of the internal environment, the soda also has antiseptic properties which reduce the inflammation of the intestinal mucosa caused by the worms.

Hydrogen peroxide

the cleaning of the body

You have to be to be transmitted, the concentration of the oxygen which is not higher than 11 %. The hydrogen peroxide breaks down in the intestine to water and oxygen, which kills off not only the roundworms, but also one-celled parasites. In addition to this, clean the intestines of toxins.

Arrangements are made for an adult:

  • Please take the mineral water and 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • 1. day to day within a 1-drop, dissolved it in water (50 ml) for half an hour before meals.
  • Each day, increase the dosage by one drop, which brings it up to 10 drops of a 10. the day of the.
  • Take a break for 3 days.
  • If a person who does not feel ill at ease, then repeat the course. You start with 10 drops 3 times a day. Make a holiday of 3 days, drink 3 day break, while the total length of the treatment shall not exceed 21 days.

The admission of hydrogen peroxide internally can cause adverse reactions (diarrhoea, nausea, skin rash, etc.). In such cases, the treatment must be completed. Soda and peroxide is considered to be one of the most effective ways to remove the parasites, so as to create it impossible for them to the terms and conditions of the agency.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic for many diseases. The parasites also die from it. Another effect is the stimulation of the peristalsis of the intestine, which creates the conditions for the removal of dead worms and toxins.

The technology of the production of the standard enemas with the use of a mug Esmarch. It is important to dilute drugs correctly — in a bright pink color. A large concentration can cause burning and erosion of the mucous membrane. Prior to the enema, to make sure that the crystals are well dissolved. The potassium result is not only a malevolent inhabitants of the intestine, however, all of the accumulated in the body of toxins.


The undisputed leader of this group is castor oil. Not so long ago, doctors prescribed drugs castor oil in almost all of the disease. It is a source of healthy fatty acids and is an excellent antiparasitic agent. The only negative was the unpleasant taste and smell.

Describe how to minimize this problem:

  • Mix the honey, maple syrup or in pear standard (up to 3 tablespoons of the oil, then add the sweetener). It all dissolved into 50 ml of water and drink the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Pour the castor oil in an enamel bowl, with a speed of 1 ml per 1 kg of the body weight is put on the fire. To prepare the juice of a lemon, or grapefruit to take with the medication. If a quick drink to warm up castor oil and then immediately wash it down with the juice, the bad taste will not be as noticeable.
  • The recipe specifically for pest control: in the evening a light supper of rice porridge, with a 12-hours-night — sweet green tea in a few minutes and drink 50 ml of the oil, and went back to sleep. The impact is expected immediately after waking up. So, you can do several operations in a row.
  • Mix the buttermilk and bran in a tablespoon, and a teaspoon of castor oil. The drink of the night, prior to the adoption, it is better not to eat for 6 hours).

Cleansing the body of parasites, which, in this way, helps to normalize the metabolism and lose a couple of pounds of excess weight.


It is important to note that when cleaning your body of parasites is to increase the load on the system, the selection of the (of the liver, the kidneys and the body's immune system, the introduction into the bloodstream of toxins). In some cases, medical treatment in-home it is prohibited to:

of potash permanganate of parasites
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • heavy common diseases: myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke, heart failure, decompensation of any chronic pathology;
  • Oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases (influenza, SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, and others).
  • abnormalities in the liver, and the kidneys;
  • people with stomach ulcers, erosions, and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the intestine;
  • of bleeding (including menstruation in women).

If you don't feel well, you need to contact the health care provider. Heavy helminthiasis is being treated at the hospital, the provision of drug detoxification, and control the functions of all body systems.